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Puppets Can Help Children With Autism-How? Find Out

A. F. Benvenuto Saturday, July 24, 2010 ,
I am an adult and I love puppets. Children with autism do also. Why? because, puppets are creative and can become who you want them to be. Puppets can help children with autism, due to the fact that they relieve tension for those who have a difficult time in learning.
I have experienced, by using puppets, you can create the characters of people or animals you want for their various use, by using scripts, for teaching techniques or just to have fun and laughs.
Your child who has autism may have a difficult time with speech, social activities, learning the correct behavior, and other areas that need attention. Using puppets, you can act out some of the challenging issues you may have with your child.
If you are clever and creative, you can write some short scripts, relating to some of the challenges to confront that concern, for your child and you. You and your whole family can be involved with acting out the parts of the scripts with various puppets, using different characters and names.

Puppets help children with autism for the fact they seem to stay focused, they do not feel threatened, by and adult, or being forced to do something out of routine. In addition, they keep their attention on learning, by repetition, of the puppets moving and acting out different problems or issues and showing how they can be corrected. For example, if your child is having a difficult time brushing his or her teeth, you could use a puppet in action, to illustrate how it is done.
Give a name to the puppet(s), so your child will associate it with an individual. You could also use the puppets to demonstrate how to go bed on time, going to school, interacting with other children, and other areas, that your child may need improvement on.
Puppets do help children with autism to build up their confidence, their imagination, memory and just to have play time.
There are many different styles and characters of puppets. Your child may want animal puppets, boy puppets, fairytale puppets, mom and dad puppets, monster puppets, girl puppets and even frog puppets. Make it an exciting and fun experience for them to have choices.
Puppets can help your child with autism by the advantage of improving their memory. The reason for this, is, you can use the puppets over and over again, doing the same thing and making a variation from time to time. You can make the puppets respond to your child, if there is a question involved.
Puppets are a fun learning tool to help your child with autism. The list goes on and on. You might want to start out using glove puppets and then go to the full body puppets.
Network with other parents who use puppets, exchange ideas and even puppets. You may want to obtain some learning scripts from your networking with people, and exchange ideas and rewrite them so they apply to your child.
Have fun with the puppets and your child will enjoy learning and having fun also. Make it a joyous experience. Put on some puppet shows once a week or sooner, and have your whole family, friends participate with the learning process. You as an adult will learn from using puppets, also.


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