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Baturraden, Purwokerto, Banyumas, Central Java

A. F. Benvenuto Thursday, November 22, 2012 ,
Mystery Legends Baturraden behind natural charm, is the mystery of folklore legends about the origin of the name of an attraction Baturraden, it is still believed by the surrounding community.
Baturraden name comes from two words (Javanese), namely Batur (hills, land, friends, helpers) and Raden (nobility). When combined, the word "Baturraden" can mean: flat land or land views.

Ngrenehan Beach, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta

A. F. Benvenuto ,
Who does not know the size of the waves of the Indian Ocean stretching along the south side of Indonesia. Java has a coastline of the south side of the long, stretching from the west to the east. The magnitude of the waves is the currency reversed its beautiful beaches. However, there is an interesting landscape, when the big waves could be slightly dijinakan by natural forms. Come to Ngrenehan coast, the south coast of the fierce waves just as the ripples of the lake area.

Grojogan Sewu Waterfalls, Tawangmangu

A. F. Benvenuto Wednesday, November 7, 2012 ,
Although located on the equator and the temperature is hot and humid, Indonesia is endowed with a lot of mountains that offers coolness. One is Tawangmangu, approximately 37 km east of Solo. Although located on the slopes of the mountain, this tourist area is one of the easiest to visit. Public bus transportation is almost all the time available to take tourists up to the main terminal. Overland travel for approximately 1.5 hours from Solo terminal is the main attraction. Beautiful view of rice on the left and right of the road ready to greet upon entering the territory Karanganyar.

Batujai Dams, Praya, Lombok

A. F. Benvenuto Tuesday, October 30, 2012 ,
The Batujai reservoir was built in the time Penujak flowing from slopes Kundo and empties into the Straits of Lombok with a length of 54 km and the whole river basin area of ​​550 km2 river. This Penujak time streamflow characteristics have a large enough difference between the wet and dry seasons. In the rainy season the average monthly discharge can reach tens of cubic meters per second that is wasted potential into the sea, while in the dry season the average monthly discharge can reach 0.1 m3 and even less.
With that condition, it was made reservoir that can hold excess water potential in the rainy season for use during the dry season.

Siung Beach, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta

A. F. Benvenuto Friday, October 26, 2012 ,
"Charm cliffs at Siung that eventually crowned Siung attraction as a tourist area of special interest climbing, symbolically identified with the stage called Pondok Climbers"
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